"Seeking Further Light" video from Scottish Rite NMJ. Please take a few minutes to watch.
Supreme Council's Virtual Reunion
Thursday Night at the Rite - Season 2 - Episode 8 April 29, 2021 7:30 pm - 4° | 8:00 pm - 19° Brothers of the Trail. Along the Oregon Trail in 1840, one pioneer lives up to his sacred obligation to care for his brother. A Mason's word is good as gold anyplace in the world where a man's word still counts for something. Core Value: Integrity
The next of our core values is Integrity. Becoming a Person of Great Character. As Scottish Rite Masons, we work on improving ourselves with an internal code to work hard to do the right thing. By doing the right thing, what we know today will improve the future. Abraham Lincoln said, “Your core values are the deeply held beliefs that authentically describe your soul.” Click here to see the online collection of aprons at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library.
AuthorNew Hampshire Scottish Rite Archives
February 2025