Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library (October 20, 2022)It would be wrong to let Squirrel Awareness Month slip away without highlighting this enchanting ceramic squirrel figurine bearing a Masonic symbol. Known as “sewer tile” folk art, figurines like this one were made from a type of clay used in the production of sewer pipe. This item may have been made in Ohio, which was a center for sewer tile manufacturing because of its rich natural deposits of red and white clay.
This unusual type of folk art seems to have originated around 1880 and continued to be made into the early 1900s. To learn more, visit our blog at
The 14° (Grand Elect Mason) will be performed tonight at the Masonic Lodge (111 Merrimack St, Haverhill, MA) by the Valleys of Merrimack, Lowell, and Nashua. This is first of three performances by the three-valley cast.
Tonight's dinner is at 6:30pm by reservation. RSVPs ASAP to Brother Adam Puchalski at [email protected]. The degree will follow the dinner. If you cannot make tonight's degree work, you can see it Fri., Nov 4 in Lowell (Lowell Masonic Center 79 Dutton Street Lowell, MA) & again Sat., Nov 5 in Portsmouth (351 Middle St, Portsmouth, NH) at the Joint Valley Reunion. Attire: Suit & Tie. Reminder: Please bring your member card. You are cordially invited to the NH Scottish Rite Joint Valley Reunion To be held: Saturday, November 5, 2022 Portsmouth Masonic Temple, 351 Middle St. ATTIRE
PROGRAM8:00 AM—Registration (Bring your Member Card and Passport)
9:00 AM—Open all New Hampshire Valleys & Obligation
10:00 AM- Ladies' Program 10:45 AM- By the Valleys of Nashua, The Merrimack, & Lowell
12:00 PM—Lunch 12:45 PM—By the Valley of Portsmouth-Dover
Valley of Nashua & NH Consistory Invites You To Their Stated & Annual Meetings Tuesday, November 15, 2022 200A Main St., Nashua New Hampshire Consistory, 32˚ will hold its Regular and Annual Rendezvous jointly with the Regular & Annual Convocations of Aaron P. Hughes Lodge of Perfection, 14°; Oriental Council, Princes of Jerusalem, 16°; and St. George Chapter of Rose Croix, 18°.
Business will include reading of the annual reports of the Treasurer and Finance Committees, and any other business that may properly come before the bodies. Date: Tues., November 15, 2022 Dinner: 6:30 pm (please RSVP) Time: 7:30 pm Attire: Jacket & Tie News from the Valley of Lancaster-Littleton.
The Valley of Lancaster-Littleton has cancelled the Valley Reunion scheduled for this Sat., October 8 due to illness among the cast members. We offer up get well wishes to these brothers. Brother Dennis A Sheridan, 33°, MSA, Valley Secretary |
AuthorNew Hampshire Scottish Rite Archives
February 2025